Jamaican Entertainers Join Tarrus Riley’s #DontWorryAboutAThing Challenge To Spread Hope Amidst Coronavirus

It’s only three months into the new year and many people are wondering, what’s next? The term, self-quarantine, has now become the in thing as numerous governments across the world have ordered their citizens to stay home to help contain and eradicate the spread of the Covid-19 Coronavirus.
The contagious coronavirus illness which results in high fever, shortness of breath and severe respiratory difficulties has shaken up families, affected employment, threatened economies and killed thousands, with a death toll of approximately 23,000.
Many are still trying to cope with the drastic change that the virus has caused. Despite having to stay indoors, persons are finding ways to keep their spirits up and smiles on their faces. With over 82,000 persons infected in the United States, the highest number of confirmed cases since the outbreak, U.S citizens are among the many trying to adapt to this lifestyle change. To help with that, actor and producer, Tyler Perry started the #HesGotTheWholeWorldChallenge.
The challenge encourages everyone to have faith in God and remain positive, whilst spreading the love across the globe by singing the single, He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands, written by Robert Lindon and William Henry.
Tyler Perry began by posting a video of himself singing the chorus of the song. Tons of celebrities such as Mariah Carey, Usher, Fantasia, and Tamar Braxton followed his lead and shared videos of themselves singing the song as well, with many others joining in on the challenge.
Wanting to place their twist on the challenge and contribute to spreading joy in this time, Jamaican artistes are encouraging their followers to join in on the #DontWorryAboutAThing challenge where they sing “Don’t worry about a thing
’cause every little thing is gonna be alright,” lyrics from the Bob Marley song.
Reggae icon, Tarrus Riley began the challenge and has been sharing clips of persons singing the tune on his Instagram page, including reggae songstress, Alaine, and vocalist, Romain Virgo. It is within natural Jamaican spirit to desire to place a smile on people’s faces and so it’s no surprise persons have taken such an interest in the #DontWorryAboutAThing challenge.
With currently 26 confirmed cases of coronavirus on the island, and one death, Jamaicans are still giving thanks that the number isn’t higher, praising the government for acting quickly to halt the spread of the virus through measures which include the closure of air and seaports from incoming passengers, the closure of all schools and non- essential businesses for 14 days and the decree that all persons aged 75 years and older must remain at home.