Kemar Highcon Drops Hot New Single ‘Come For Me’

Despite the dust that has settled itself over the music and entertainment industry, fast-rising sensation Kemar Highcon who has anchored himself to the moniker ‘Sauce Boss” has released another hot new single titled Come For Me on Sunday, April 5, 2020.
Many musicians have seemingly used the pandemic as a getaway from the studio, but for the Sauce Boss, the work never stops. While the song hasn’t been complemented by an official music video release, fans locally and internationally are still compelled to enjoy his relaxing and lyrical tones.
The Sharp singjay has since then instructed his fans to check out his newest single, he said in an Instagram post.
“Out now, Kemar Highcon Come For Me,” he said to his over one hundred thousand Instagram community.
Kemar’s energy is simply infectious, fans have since then flooded the comment section sending adornment and love to his newly released single, approving his song.
“This smooth like lotion,” a fan commented.
“This song is dam sexy,” another said lustfully.
“This badddd,” another said.
Though Kemar is still a neophyte to the music and entertainment landscape, he has increasingly demonstrated his zeal and enthusiasm for his craft and has credited several known artistes for his ascension within the industry.
There have not been any negative comments since his uprising, signaling his acceptance with the music ecosystem.
We now await the official video release for this one, which undoubtedly will be a masterpiece.