Buju Banton Forewarns His People About Evil Politicians Via Instagram

Buju Banton

When the prophet has a message the masses come out in all shapes and sizes. This was demonstrated when Jamaican reggae legend Buju Banton sat down to deliver an intimate and powerful one on Instagram, Thursday April 16th.

The release of his 1 minute long video clip resounded like a church bell ringing, where everyone came out to hear the words of the sermon. Banton stockpiled over 3500 comments and over 200k views within hours of adding the post.

He opened with his Rasta man rendition of the gospel song The Hand of God on the Wall interchanging the entities God and Jah over his rumbling vocals synonymous to the one and only Gargamel. This he did also in setting the precedence and tone in delivery of his message.

Buju Banton

For some insight, the song talks about people not being able to read the handwriting of God on the wall, “for God they never knew”, so he (the Lord) sent the prophet Danielle to tell them what to do. Who then told the haughty Monarch of all his many sins and mighty deeds of wrong.

Now here is Buju the prophet telling us the people what to do in these uncertain and desperate times and so he does, “My people in Jamaica and people all over the world, open your eyes, stop believing the lies … they’ve been lying to us ever since we were born, do not trust them, the NBC … don’t not trust none of them, even in a Jamaica, do not trust the JBC, the TVJ none of them”, he says with heavy conviction.

Banton, wearing a bright yellow t-shirt, looking dignified and sounding quite eloquent as he always does, then thrashes the ‘monarchs’ of today’s society, describing them as lying, thieving, sadistic, devil worshipping politicians.

Ultimately blaming them for the lives lost of 300 children as reflected through the monument that stands in downtown Kingston in memory of ‘children who died under tragic and violent circumstances. He suggested that their efforts in instituting the monument were inadequate and diverting with no valid plan of action.

The topic is certainly a sore one, since to date one can argue that there are still not enough measures and resources in place to protect the children of Jamaican. With the implementation of several child protective agencies over the years, i.e. Child Protection & Family Services Agency, Hear the Children’s Cry and Convention on the Rights of the Child, just to highlight a few, there is still a disconcerting number of statistics.

According to The Gleaner, police statistics indicate that between January 1 and the end of September of 2019, 34 children (under 17 y/o) were murdered and 1,161 were reported missing. The year before in 2018, an elevated figure of 1,512 children were reported missing, with girls at 1,164 outnumbering boys at 348. While many of these children eventually made it back home, a good portion remained unaccounted for.

Banton said the government simply doesn’t care enough even going as far to reiterate, “You are ruled and governed by people with sadistic nature, evil hearts and they trample on the people with red shoes, martyrdom is coming”.

The musician’s message is categorically extreme, failing to falter not even a twitch with the aggressive backings of his delivery. He instills his belief that the rulers of Jamaica are deliberately suppressing efforts to not only reduce criminality against children but the rest of the island’s population.

“Who have they used to control and destroy us, their own information apparatus”, he continues, suggesting that the media/TV news channels are their puppeteers. So if his audiences want clarity and truth about what’s really going on around them, they need to use this time in quarantine to do some proper researching.

“Wake up and open your eyes” he chants then ends with a departing note, “We are a people who love the Lord, we have never surrendered to evil nor its agents and this time shall be no different. That’s why Jah send me back fi uno, fi mek sure seh this time roun yuh have a comforter, Mi love uno but love uno self.”

Watch Buju Banton’s full message in the video below –