Rygin King Is Not Paralysed

Over the weekend, several reports surfaced that Dancehall artiste Rygin King had been left paralyzed after he was shot by a gunman in late June.
The management team of the Tuff singer has dismissed these claims, and have called on fans and onlookers to stop spreading rumors and false speculation.
“The deejay is not paralysed. I cannot go into specifics about his medical condition, but the deejay is responding favourably to treatment, and he has tingling in his legs…and he has feeling and is responding to stimulus in his lower legs and extremities” a source close to the 25-year-old deejay told the Jamaica Observer.
“We want people to stop the rumour-spreading and speculation about the deejay’s health at this time,” they added.

Rygin King, whose real name is Matthew Smith, was shot and seriously injured by a gunman on June 28 as his entourage stopped in Westmoreland after a car in the group sustained damage in an accident.
Eyewitnesses said that while the entourage was attending to the vehicle, a car drove up, and a gunman shot at the bystanders, which included Rygin King.
King was one of three people who were shot in the incident. He was rushed into emergency surgery at the Savanna-la-Mar hospital, while his girlfriend, Sashalee Blackwood died.
The deejay was airlifted a few days later to Falmouth Public General Hospital.
King was transferred to a third, undisclosed hospital after his team believed that his safety was compromised at Falmouth. They said that they had security concerns and wanted to not only ensure his safety but that his recovery process would go smoothly with access top-notch doctors on his road to recovery.
In a statement released last week on Instagram, Rygin and his team sent a heartfelt thank you message to the fans and well-wishers for their prayers and positive thoughts.
He also thanked the dedicated professionals that all came to his aid during what has become a toilsome road to recovery.
King added, “I will live through this ordeal, and I can take the next step that comes along with the Most High by my side. My fans show me support, and I am going to make them proud, just know one King soon step out.”