Jamaican Entertainment Fraternity Mourns Feluké

Reggae singer Feluké passed away over the weekend, and the talented musician’s death has hit the Jamaican entertainment industry hard.
Denver “Feluké” Smith, who was a master percussionist, died after he lost his battle with colon cancer in Mexico on September 4, where he had gone to undergo another round of cancer treatment.
Feluké was just 43 years old.
Shaggy was hard hit by Feluké’s loss and said, “ Denver yuh put up a good fight mi bredda’ sad to hear the loss one of our own Denver” Feluke” Smith condolences to his family. Rest well mi bredda.”
Singer Tarrus Riley was one of those feeling the sadness and took to Instagram to express his grief with a video of the percussionist.
“Jahknw Da 1ya Ruff Fxked up baad” he remarked. He went on further to say “R.I.P Denver. U will be gr8ly missed but not forgotten…… I will not be sad because ur energy was always the Total Opposite Salute. U keep the vibes up right they. I learned that from u. Ppl can talk until they go thru shut den they really know how it go I will not be sad tho. Legends don’t Due… Legends can’t die…. Travel safe”.
A number of stars commented on Riley’s post, including Jesse Royal, who used three praying emojis to express his feelings.
On his own page, Royal added, “Fly High Grooove Master!!! Definitely one of the Most Livicated but still Naturally Talented Individuals I’ve ever met who was genuinely in love with Music!!!”
Queen Ifrica asked her followers to pray for his family. “One of those things bbz, to all the men that fallow me here please look after your Health drink lots of green juices eat nuff veggies and Sista’s as well Feluke didn’t make it I know he wasn’t ready🙏🏾 pray for his family to be strong,” she said in an Instagram post.
Songbird Tessanne Chin also took to social media to express her grief on his passing where she commented, “in my memory, in my heart I will always see you laughing and dancing, playing the darbuka drum in the park somewhere in Paris, doing what you loved and being free from all the things that bound you. I send love and prayers to your family and give God thanks for your light. #RestWellDenver”.
Bugle also expressed his grief by saying, “Jaaaaaaaaah know Family (broken heart emoji), Jah need Angels Bro, is a part of the mission”
Radio personality Miss Kitty also had a message on his passing “you fought a great fight till the very end Denver “Feluke” Smith. Sending deepest condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of Feluke. Rest in power”.