Watch: Ziggy Marley Tries Daughter Judah’s Skincare Routine

Reggae royalty Ziggy Marley is all about family, and cool vibes during a daddy-daughter spa day at home.
Quarantine has challenged many artistes to expand their creativity and to be innovative, while still being inspiring and producing high-quality music for fans. Ziggy has stepped up to meet the challenge and has made kids the focus of his new music.
“Trying My Daughter’s Skincare Routine with Ziggy & Judah Marley,” features an engaging Ziggy with his daughter Judah Marley in a new Cosmopolitan series dubbed ‘Kid Spa’. The light-hearted video shows Judah giving dad Ziggy the ultimate facial treatment, charcoal face mask, and all. A glowing Ziggy was the cool dad letting his daughter play esthetician, even instructing her not to miss a certain spot as she applied the products.
“When this is finished, what am I glowing? Am I going to be looking very beautiful?, Ziggy asked Judah, who responded “ Yeah, very beautiful.”
Of course, the video wasn’t all spa. Dad Ziggy went on to ask Judah what her favorite thing to do with him was, and after throwing some less than satisfying answers at him, Ziggy reminded her that her driving him around was her favorite thing to do together.
No daddy-daughter spa is complete without some music. Well, if not the sound of music, then at least some reflection on music collaboration together.
“What did you do on the new album,” Ziggy asked. “What was your role on it?”
“I sang some songs. I did a lot of the background noises,” a pleased Judah responded.
The album he’s referring to is his brand new all-star children’s album More Family Time, which dropped September 18, 2020, the follow-up to his 2009 kids album Family Time. It’s the perfect response to addressing the pain of the current pandemic through music, and he wanted to do something for kids that would give them joy.
“I just kept being pulled back into a kids’ record,” Ziggy told Rolling Stone. “With everything that’s going on, it just felt right, doing something for the children.”
His inspiration for the album is drawn from his four-year-old son, nature, and the family dog, Romeo. He recruited the help of other musicians and artiste friends, including guitarist Ben Harper, Sheryl Crow, Tom Morello, Busta Rhymes, and Alanis Morissette. ‘More Family Time’ is not complete without the help of the obvious – family. Ziggy’s children Judah, Gideon, and Abraham appear on the album, along with his brother Stephen, and himself as well.
The focus of the album is not about the pains of the pandemic but is intended to provide joy and comfort and to be uplifting and fun for kids. Think Saturday-morning pajama jam vibe. With songs like, “Move Your Body,” “Please Excuse Me Thank You,” “Garden Song of Miracles,” and “My Dog Romeo,” Saturday mornings will never be the same.
“For me, [this album] was the rebellious thing to do,” Marley continued. “Instead of writing about what’s going on, it’s something comforting. Plus, the children need as much help as anybody else in what we’re going through. So giving a family something to uplift their spirits and feel happy and enjoy together, I think, is just as important as addressing what is going on.”
Make time for ‘More Family Time’ and have a feelgood party with your kids.