Nesbeth’s Road Manager Makes Dramatic Recovery After Being Shot In The Face

Reggae singer Nesbeth revealed today that his road manager, Roland Drummond, appears to be making a dramatic recovery after he had been shot in the face by unknown attackers five weeks ago.
During the incident which happened in Portmore, St. Catherine, armed men shot Drummond and absconded with his licensed firearm.
“He is pulling through little by little, surgery after surgery. His recovery shows the power of prayer and I want to tell everyone that their prayers have not been taken for granted, he is doing well now, he is even talking,” Nesbeth told DancehallMag.
“He did reconstructive surgery on his face, and he is feeling a lot of pain. But I told him don’t worry about the pain, you have a powerful testimony, not many people have walked the path that you have walked and lived to tell the tale, so we are grateful for all the great wishes and prayers, he is pulling through.”
Nesbeth’s road manager is a former police Sargeant.

Police reports said in March, 61-year-old Drummond was driving in Greater Portmore when he heard an unusual sound under his car and decided to investigate. When he stopped to check, gunmen traveling in a motor vehicle pounced upon him and during a tussle, Drummond was shot in the jaw bone. A video circulating on social media immediately after Drummond had been attacked showed the terrifying extent to a man’s physical injuries after a close-range gun attack leading many to speculate that it was Drummond who had been the man in the clip. That was not so, said Nesbeth.
“That video which was circulating was not Drummond though, that was another individual, not even sure that video was shot in Jamaica,” Nesbeth revealed.
Drummond is a well-known figure in entertainment as he has had a long association with Shocking Vibes, which dates back to 1993, when he was introduced to the group by singer Tanto Metro and became a part of the family.
Nesbeth, whose given name is Greg Nesbeth, is from the tough, inner-city community of Arnett Gardens in St Andrew. He is known for songs including My Dream, Victory, Abuser, and Guns Out.