Fantan Mojah Is At It Again, Readies Wild ‘Touch That Body’ Video

Fanta Mojah is at it again.
In a new song and accompanying music video and that will no doubt make Mutabaruka blush once more, the Fire Child seems to be demonstrating that his controversial Fire King song and its accompanying music video was no fluke, and that he has gone fully explicit with his lyrics.
This time Fantan has penned even more graphic lyrics and even changed his style, now singing in falsetto on a Reggaeton riddim.
Fantan teased several video clips and photos for his new song titled Touch That Body on his Instagram page and told his followers to stay tuned as “this one will be epic”. According to the Stronger artiste, the full video will see him cavorting with more than 20 women, on a beach somewhere on Jamaica’s north coast.
The video clips so far have seen him in shallow water and on the sand, wining amidst wiggling full-bodied women clad in thongs and booty shorts, doing moves similar to those on the Fire King video, the only exception being that they took to water this time, instead of concrete.
He was cheered on by amused fans for the most part who dropped fire icons and laughing emoijs and told him they were waiting with bated breath, for the full video to be released.
“Bad boy Fantan fi the girls them🔥🔥🔥🔥,” cenabossproductions wrote, while hillsidebadness noted: “Fire 🔥🔥king back at it again caah wait fh it drop 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.”
But some of his fans were hopping mad, claiming that they have given upon on him, some stating that “Rasta Lost Soul”.
When Fantan posted a video of himself walking in the sand towards some women, and stated: “I love the girls 😄💜and the girls love me ‼🙏 can anyone guess how many girls in my next video ☻🤔1,5,,10,15 20 🤷♂️😂🤣 trouble deh deh”, he was met with more cheers, and also disapproval.
“If u shave n take off your turban maybe you ll get more,” rasmoses_chantingyogi responded sarcastically.
“Master I don’t expect you to send this kind of photos, I respect you,” one of his African fans okomoogolla lamented while jacquelynkaile noted: “@okomoogolla I agree. I wasn’t impressed with this.”
Many of Fantan’s followers made reference to how Mutabaruka would respond, based on the drama which folded between the elder Rasta man and Fantan following the release of Fire King.
“Yuh no uncle Fantan a get out a hand now😂😂😂😂😂😂😂muta blood pressure aggo high when him hear this 😂😂😂,” an amusing nessahmoy said, while another fan noted: “Muta naa go like this one again.”
Mutabaruka had threatened to take the Fire Child to court a few months ago, after Mojah went on a rampage, hurling comments deemed slanderous about the iconic dub poet, Reggae legend Bob Marley, and former Miss World Cindy Breakespeare, who is also the mother of Reggae superstar Damian “Junior Gong” Marley, in an apparent “revenge” video, which was being circulated on social media.
The video came in the aftermath of Muta’s criticisms of Fantan’s Fire King song and video, which the broadcaster had said, among other things, were not in keeping with Rastafarinan principles, during his Cutting Edge programme on Irie FM radio. The very wild video for the song, showed Fantan cavorting with a slew of scantily clad young women, who gyrate on him in a bedroom and at a poolside.
Muta had offered the Mama Hungry artiste the opportunity to apologise, or provide evidence of the things he has accused him of, but Fantan had said he would not apologise unless Muta first did so, for saying bad things about his video.
Fantan Mojah had later claimed in an interview on the Onstage entertainment programme that Earl ‘Chinna’ Smith the legendary High Priest of Reggae Guitar, who co-produced Mutabruka’s 1983 debut studio album Check It!, has endorsed the raunchy Fire King music video.
Fantan had also taken aim at Dancehall music selector Foota Hype, after reports surfaced on social media that the self-proclaimed “Viral King” had upbraided him for his conduct in the Fire King video, and labelled him an uncreative copycat for mimicking younger artistes in the video.
Fantan in apparent retaliation, had posted a video mocking Foota, whom he displayed with a pair of moving female red lips superimposed on his face, with Garnet Silk’s song Keep them Talking playing in the background, which he captioned: “Keep talking about me, Fire King”.
The St. Elizabeth native had also taken aim at Intence’s Pickachu video, claiming the Fire King video was a far cry from the soft-pornographic content of Intence’s music video, and so does not deserve to be criticized.