Skatta Burrell Survives COVID-19 – Says It Is “Real And Very, Very Dangerous”

Dancehall music producer Skatta Burrell has revealed that he only just recovered from COVID-19, and, according to him, the experience was a very horrible one.
The Coolie Dance producer was commenting on a Jamaica Star article yesterday afternoon, which was centered around one of the first persons in Jamaica to contract the virus.
The interviewee had told the tabloid that it was “almost upsetting” to hear the comments from people who have been suggesting that the virus was a hoax, which Skatta also found perturbing.
“Folks as a very recent survivor I can honestly say this COVID-19 is real and very, very dangerous. Lots of People have minimal to no side effects and get thru it in days but I wasn’t that fortunate,” the Downsound executive said.
“I had all the symptoms. Fever, Diarrhea, aching joints, headache, vomiting and the worst Coughing and shortness of breath. There were times I could not catch no breath no matter how hard I tried. It took me 14 days to get to a point where I felt I was recovering,” the Coolie Dance producer added.
Skatta said he would be telling his story on his Instagram live feed sometime in the near future and disclosed that he recovered with the support of his girlfriend who cared for him during the ordeal.
“I thank my Girlfriend who stood by my side and did everything she could to keep me going even when She got it Her strength surpassed mines and She made me pull thru,” the Calabar High School old boy said.
“So much to tell but I will leave it for my LIVe I intend to do. We have to spread awareness of this disease and encourage People to take whatever precautions they can. From what I been thru now I understand why the elderly and those with underline ailments lose the battle so with this disease.”
He added: “I won’t pretend to know how it came about or whatever agenda that may exist via the many vaccines but I urge John public to take this very serious. People are dying and I’m very grateful to be here to appreciate the little things such as waking up to look at the morning sun. We are not immortal and anyone can catch it.”
Three days ago, after going missing for almost two weeks from IG, Skatta had announced that he was free of COVID. He also took the opportunity to jeer his Christian followers.
“Finally Covid free and out and I never prayed once,” he mocked, evoking a flurry of comment from follower, many of whom told the self-proclaimed atheist that they had been praying for him and that he survived because “God was not finished with him yet”.
In June this year, Skatta, in responding to the Jamaican Government’s Conditional Cash Transfer for the Vaccinated (CCTV) programme’s $10,000 incentive aimed at citizens aged 60 and over who were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by the Ministry of Health, had said he was unimpressed and demanded that the money be spent upgrading medical facilities.
Skatta had made his discontent known following another article in The Star which quoted Finance Minister Dr. Nigel Clarke as announcing that the money would be made available as of July 15 and is an “incentive for those who saw it fit to be part of the active fight against the novel coronavirus”.
“Take all that money and improve the Hospitals in our country. If 20,000 persons was to receive that 10,000 it would be a total of 200,000,000, why can’t that money be spent at the KPH or community clinics where it will be of benefit to the People of this country?” Skatta had written.
“Giving incentives for people to take a vaccine further adds to the skepticism we already have about some secret agenda and conspiracy theories,” Skatta stated further.