Richie Stephens To Headline Christmas Party In Georgia

After more than a year of inactivity events promoter Mikey Sparkle is in high spirits as he prepares for the staging of his first event in 2021, dubbed the Mikey Sparkle Christmas Party, which will feature Reggae singer Richie Stephens and the 3RDegree band.
“My Christmas party is one of the events that people in Georgia look forward to every year. Unfortunately, we didn’t have one last year, but it’s back this year for sure, and it’s going to be an exciting event,” Sparkle said.
“I had to take a very long break from putting on events because of the pandemic. As you can imagine, this was very hard for me, but the safety of human lives comes first. This pandemic has affected everyone in so many ways. Unfortunately, a lot of lives were lost, and a lot of businesses had shut down in Georgia, but things are improving, and I’m happy to see that things are much better now in comparison to last year,” he explained.
Sparkle added, “Although events promotion is not the only business that I do, not being able to put on events took a tremendous toll on me because I keep events to make people happy. So it made me very sad because I was not able to do that for over a year.”

Strict protocols will be enforced at the event scheduled to take place on the 18th of December at the Grand Palais Banquette Hall in Lawrenceville, Georgia.
“Protecting human lives is top propriety. Therefore, we will be enforcing strict Covid-19 protocols. Temperature checks will be done at the entrance of the venue and we’ll also ensure that every patron gets their hands sanitised and hand sanitisers will be placed on each table in the venue.”
Mikey Sparkle is the co-owner of the Georgia-based radio station
He’s also known for promoting several annual events in Georgia, including the Merritone Family Funday and Tribute to Merritone and the Mikey Sparkle Family Funday.