Twitter Sounds Off On Colorist Ad Seeking Female With “Not From Jamaica Look” For Music Video

The latest uproar on Jamaican Twitter involved a shady ad and its not-so-subtle attempt to save face. When @realesttinga posted the credentials for a female in an upcoming music video, the comments quickly erupted into backlash and laughter over the biased, colorist description.
The tweet read “have a role for a music video, 1 more Female only, must have a ‘not from Jamaica’ look, 10k for two half days,” and it didn’t take long for the retweets and reactions to pile up.
Colorism is a talking point in Jamaica, pervading everything from beauty pageants to the music industry. Many Twitter users were riled up over what they perceived as the tweet’s thinly veiled insult to darker-skinned women. No context had been provided for the request (type of music video, target market, etc) and arguably, none was needed. Hundreds of Jamaican Twitter users poured anger and amusement into their 140 character responses.
have a role for a music video,
•1 more Female only
•must have a “not from Jamaica” look
•10k for two half days— 🛤️ (@realestinga) October 19, 2021
As many wondered out loud what the term meant, one early bird offered a nuanced summary – “leave the melanin at the door.”
Others cut right to the chase – “No N-ggers Allowed” or “Biracial Baddies Only.”
A few historians were among the commenters, citing key Jamaican figures whose lives were committed to instilling black pride. “Miss Lou in her grave a ketch fits,” one user wrote, while another quipped “‘Not from Jamaica’ Not Paul Bogle marching from Stoney Gut in October 1865 for this sh-t to happen 156 year later in modern Jamaica in October 2021.”
Other users poked fun using the island’s food culture, which is globally renowned but invariably favored by locals. “Man say she nuffi have nuh jerk chicken in her pocket dem,” one user joked about the ideal female star, while another said, “Lmfao I’ll leave my Ackee and saltfish costume at home.”
Other remarks mocked Jamaica’s motto: “Out of many, one people… But not YOU people, though…”
Another user’s observation read “The “I live where you vacation” look.”
Some sounded off with questions, like one user who asked “Is this new code for lightskinned because whaat lmaooo,” while another advised, “Ladies, make sure walk wid unnuh wharf sticker.”
Racial implications aside, there were those who took issue with the sum being offered. “’Not from Jamaica look’ but not a not from Jamaica pay?” a user asked, while another said plainly, “A the fact seh him picky n BRUK!! 10k fi two 1/2 day? All u sick.”