Mavado Overcomes Range Rover Woes

Dancehall star Mavado has seemingly overcome his Range Rover woes and moved on to better things after the Florida-based Ally Bank recently withdrew their case against him and his wife Monique Tabby Mckenzie, over the repossession of their high-end vehicle.
The scheduled November 4 hearing was cancelled on November 1.
On November 9, the matter was formally “disposed” by the Broward County Circuit Court after the parties seemingly reached a settlement.
In the original complaint filed on August 9, 2021, the bank had claimed that the Gully Gad and his wife defaulted on a contract and had “failed to relinquish possession” of the vehicle. The bank claimed that the White 2014 Range Rover, valued at US$41,400, was purchased by the couple “on or about July 28, 2018” under a Retail Installment Contract, and that they were “required to make monthly payments each in the amount of $949.17”.
Among other things, the bank also alleged that the Defendants were “unlawfully detaining and possessing the Vehicle” and had owed ‘$37,293.63 as of July 20, 2021 plus interest charges, late charges and costs’.
Mavado has had his fair share of civil case struggles over the last few years.
His other court case in Jamaica involving Jennifer Messado, who allegedly embezzled more than $30 million from the deejay, hit a snag after she filed for bankruptcy earlier this year. The move could crush the attempt by the Gangster for Life artist, to recoup his money.
In the meantime, Mavado is undertaking a collab with Clip Tall deejay IWaata.
He shared a snippet from an upcoming music video on Instagram with fans and kept them in suspense noting: “ “Leave it right deh so @iwaatajettlife #gully.”
Up Late, another collab with Florida-based Hip Hop artist Lil TaTi, has racked up over 800,000 views since its release on November 4.