Cyndi Davila, Former Manager To NotNice, Jahmiel, Loses Battle To Cancer

Cyndi Davila, a well-known artist manager and publicist, of Davila Management, will be buried tomorrow at a private ceremony in Texas, USA.
Several artists such as Kiprich, Raine Seville, Starface and US-based actress Christi Lux have paid tribute to her.
Actress-cum-artist Christi Lux, who is based in Texas, USA, appeared to be shellshocked by her sudden passing on April 21st after a brief battle with cancer.
“This hurts so much,” Christi Lux told DancehallMag. “I try not to think about it, then reality sinks in, and it’s just tears again.”
Lux said Davila was like a mother to her. “Her passing came so unexpected. I feel like I lost a mother, that’s how much I love her. She had been in pain for some time and she went to the hospital to do some tests and they found the cancer and it was already too late. She never liked doctors and she ignored the pain, and never checked it out,” she said.

There will be a service of thanksgiving for her life at the Sacred Heart Funeral Home in Cedar Hill, Texas. Davila is survived by her mom and her half-sister.
Christi Lux credits a media tour in New York City, organized by Davila Management, with helping to solidify her career. Lux gained some traction for her singles Bebe and Roll It from media engagements with Telemundo, and appeared on 2021 Fashion Week with Mary J Blige. After that, Christi Lux landed a major role in the ‘Texas Kill City’ movie which will premiere soon in Texas.

Starface said that Davila was also ‘like a mother’ to her.
“Davila was such a sweetheart…kind-hearted, loving, caring and a hard worker who was very professional in her business dealings and who loved music. She instinctively understood artists and believed in your brand, that’s why artists gravitated towards her. She tried to steer me in the right direction..she was like a mother to me..all can say I am glad I was a part of her life and walked some of the journey with her,” Starface said.
Davila served as NotNice’s manager for three years, beginning in 2012. Working with NotNice, she gradually gained inroads into music production and eventually worked with the likes of Alkaline, Spice, Neequah, Starface, Jahmiel and recently KipRich, who was working on a project for her and Christi Lux.
“She was just an easy person to deal with and knew when to give the motivational talk, like, everything is going to be fine. I didn’t know she was ailing because she was always high-energy. This definitely has shocked the industry and will continue to shock persons who have yet to hear. It’s all too sudden,” Kiprich said.
Davila also played an integral role in the rise of Jahmiel. While the Stronger Soldier singer was working with Notnice, he captured the ear of Davila who was Notnice’s manager at the time. Impressed with Jahmiel’s work ethic, Davila and her co-manager Talisa then teamed up with entrepreneur Marlon Baugh of City Rock Entertainment to offer Jahmiel a management deal.
Davila helped to promote some of Jahmiel’s biggest songs in the worldwide reggae market.

Raine Seville said that Davila “was living proof that good people still exist in the industry and the world”.
“She pushed people to reach their full potential. She was kind, generous…just the sweetest person, and she is loved worldwide. She made an impact in people’s lives, she was just so sweet, she helped everyone, like a guardian angel,” Lux said.