Mavado Addresses “Fake Warrant” Claims By JCF

Dancehall star David ‘Mavado’ Brooks has come out swinging against what he dubbed ‘corruption in the justice system,’ hitting out at the “fake warrant” that some Jamaica Constabulary Force sources claim exists.
If a warrant exists, Mavado will be unable to give testimony via a remote link in the pending $30 million fraud case against embattled and disbarred attorney-at-law Jennifer Messado.
“Let’s hear what the judge has to say tomorrow about this fake warrant and this criminal element that stole my 30 million dollars going 5 years now without a night in jail,” a bitter Mavado wrote on his Instagram page yesterday.
He also posted a written statement outlining his arguments in the case.
“Let’s talk about this so-called warrant we have heard about all of a sudden after 4 years. It seems as if some officers assigned to the Constant Spring police station, Jennifer Messado and her people are conspiring against me. The same police that locked up my son years ago are the same ones who have come up with this warrant 4 years later, in particular one police officer who told me that Jennifer Messado is her friend,” he wrote.
“Now, my ppl years ago when I left Jamaica, I left things in my lawyers’ hands. My lawyers – both overseas and in Jamaica, were in regular communication with the Jamaica Constabulary Force and there was never any mention of outstanding warrants, nothing like that was said to my lawyers over a four year period. I wasn’t wanted for anything or any reason in Jamaica,” he said.
He also mentioned his son Dantay Brooks, who was found guilty of a home-invasion murder and arson last year.
“The witness went to court after he already changed his story 3 times in 3 different statements! He also told the court that he didn’t mention anything about me, and that his statements were altered, so how can a judge find my son guilty. With three altered statements and a new statement given on the stand? PPL are concluding that this looks like blatant corruption but we are confident that the justice system will find exactly that in the appeal,” Mavado wrote.