Bounty Killer Scoffs At Opposition Leader’s Pledge To Give 80% Of Salary Increase To “Needy Causes”

Bounty Killer has scoffed at Opposition Leader Mark Golding’s announcement that he will be giving 80 percent of his salary hike to “needy causes”.
On Friday, after learning of Golding’s statements, the Poor People Governor, sought to place the Peoples National Party (PNP) president under scrutiny, in an Instagram post.
This action came three days after the Living Dangerously deejay expressed disgust at the announcement made by Finance Minister Dr. Nigel Clarke that Members of Parliament, Cabinet Ministers, Mayors and Parish Councillors would be given exponential increases in salaries.
At that time, Bounty had also asked about the raise for “teachers, nurses, police, firefighters and other public servants”, and later expressed contempt for the PNP’s press release which expressed disagreement with the raise after initially expressing “no objection”.
On Friday, the Warlord turned his full attention to Golding, where he brought the St. Andrew Southern MP’s sincerity into question and sought to banish any idea the former Minister of Justice was being altruistic.
“Pressure that’s only bcuz of the backlashing they getting damage control by playing on the ppl minds now does he really cares🤔,” Bounty noted under a Gleaner article he shared, featuring Golding’s statements.
“Mark rich from in his late twenties dawg him nuh need nuh raise more than the police teachers nurses and firefighters etc,” Bounty said in response to a statement made by Billboard-charting producer Kirk “Koolface” Ford, that Golding ought not to have accepted “such a large increase in the first place, because he’s already rich and it’s goes to how much they love their pockets that’s why Andrew gave buy them out with a few more dollars”.
Music producer Bread Back also dismissed Golding’s announcement.
“Style him a come wid but differently dem fi charge dem if dem nuh full fill dem promises,” he said.
As the upbraiding of Golding continued, one follower told Bounty that all Mark “needs to do is say it is wrong and reject it all”.
Buoyed by the sentiment, Bounty replied: “Exactly why he did not said that b4 agreed on it then acting like it’s a surprise to him. Hypocrites 🤐.”
The Anytime artiste also endorsed the comment made by another woman that Golding was being disingenuous.
“Mind games on the ppl as usual, what sense does that make, he could have opposed it entirely. Who is to determine the needy cause and who will oversee that ur pay goes to this so called needy cause lol smh politics dem love better start love self and country,” the woman stated, to which Bounty noted: “Ask dem again fi mi?”
One follower met the ire of the Warlord after stating in Golding’s defence that: “At least him never do anything”.
“Oh u mean he had agreed to the raise is bcuz of backlash he’s saying that now bcuz did he had decided to do this b4 we start criticizing them? You sounds like one of the die hearted fools who helps to hold down jamaican ppl in dem corruption leggo bout ya😐,” the Fifth Element artiste said.
Under the new salary adjustment, Golding’s salary rose by 221 per cent, moving from a little over $8 million (US$53,000) in 2021 to $25.7 (US$171,000) effective April 1, 2024. As of April 1, 2023, the Opposition Leader is being paid $22.7 million per year, according to reports.
Members of Parliament have been rewarded with a 230 percent increase in salary, and will take home $14.2 million (US$95,000), up from J$4.3 (US$29,000).
Additionally, Cabinet ministers have received a 230 percent increase in salary up to April 1, 2024, with their annual compensation moving from J$6.9 million (US$46,000) in 2021 to $22.9 million (US$152,000) next year. As at April 1, 2023, Cabinet ministers be paid an annual salary of J$20.2 million (US$135,000).
The salary for the position of Prime Minister makes a 214 percent rise from $9.1 million (US$61,000) in 2021 to $28.6 (US$191,000) on April 1, 2024. Effective April 1, 2023 the Prime Minister attracts a salary of $25.3 million (US$169,000) annually.