Derrick Morgan’s Son Defends Him Against Queen Ifrica’s Rape Allegation

Singer Courtney Morgan says Queen Ifrica is lying about being raped by their father, ska legend Derrick Morgan.
Courtney voiced his opinions about his sister’s “lies” under an empathetic Instagram post by Mr. Vegas on Friday. “She needs to calm herself, stop attacking people, and get some good psychological help,” Courtney, also a medical doctor, wrote.
When asked by Mr. Vegas who she was attacking, he said his father.
According to Ifrica, she had an estranged relationship with Morgan because of her mother, but decided to reach out to him when she was older. She alleged that he raped her when she stayed at his Kingston home one night, inspiring her advocacy for abuse survivors. Clapping back, Courtney said the incident couldn’t have happened due to Morgan’s physical condition at the time.
“He only met (her) since she was an adult with two children,” Courtney wrote. “By that time, my dad was already 100% blind with neurological issues that impaired his movements. How would a man like that rape anyone? I spoke to her about it and her story was all over the place. I told (her) to get psychiatric help, but she took that as me threatening her. So, I started ignoring her.”

In her Instagram Live on Friday, Ifrica tagged two of her siblings, including Courtney, saying she’s never been supported by her family regarding the alleged experience.
But according to Courtney, Ifrica said she was raped by her stepfather. He said that figure inspired her 2009 hit Daddy, contrary to what she revealed during the Live.
“She met my dad less than 3 times,” he commented. “She did expressed to us that she was raped and molested by her stepfather that she grew up with, and that’s why she wrote that song. Now she attacks my dad bc (because) she’s bitter that he wasn’t there for her. I told her she needed psychiatric counseling. She took that as a negative advice. So, I just ignored personally, as my other family members reached out to her.”
He added that his advice wasn’t biased as “I was listening to her from a medical perspective. She can say what she wants, but the family knows the truth and she hates some of us for it… God heard her lies loud and clear. She needs to talk about her stepdad and leave my father name out her mouth, especially (since) he never knew her and met her only 3 times.”
Months ago, Ifrica opened up about being molested by a girl when she was eight, and said she would share the full details of her sexual abuse history in the future.
Morgan formed part of the ska scene which mushroomed in Jamaica in the 1950s and 1960s. Hailed as a musical innovator, the 83-year-old’s repertoire includes songs like Housewives’ Choice, Fat Man, Be Still, In My Heart, and Jamaica’s first independence song, Forward March.
He was honoured for his contributions to music with the Jamaica Music Icon award at the Grand Gala celebrations in 2022. He previously received the Order of Distinction from the Government in 2001.