Erica Mena Apologizes For Using Racial Slur Against Spice On LHHATL

Former Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta (LHHATL) star Erica Mena has apologized for any damage she may have caused after calling Spice a “blue monkey” during a heated argument that aired on the reality TV show.
Mena claimed that her use of the slur, which left many shocked and outraged, was not racially driven.
“I deeply regret my insensitive comment and want to humbly apologize to anybody I hurt or offended by my thoughtlessness,” she said today (September 12, 2023) in a statement.
Added Mena: “My choice of words was wrong, and I take full responsibility for what I said. I am committed to listening to the voices of those affected and will work toward making amends. As a woman of color and the mother of two black children, I want to make it clear that my use of that word was not in any way racially driven. That said, I do understand the gravity of what I said and want to use my platform to promote inclusivity and equality.”
The controversy stems from a recent episode of Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta, where Mena overturned a table and hurled both death wishes and racial slurs at Spice. The heated exchange was triggered by Spice’s comment that Mena’s son didn’t like his mother.
Mena was subsequently fired from the show after the LHH franchise declared its stance against all forms of discrimination.
Meanwhile, Spice, in an Instagram Live, reiterated that she did not say anything bad about Mena’s son.
“Let me just be very clear. I did not say anything bad about Erica’s son… I didn’t say anything bad about her child”, she told her Instagram followers.
“I really wanted to come and say this so that I can close the door … I’m not gonna keep talking about this. Because it happened to me I just want to say my little thing and just move on from it.”
“I see people saying don’t come for people’s kids [but] answer the question? What did I say about this child, what bad did I say about the child, what derogatory thing did I say about the child? I did not say anything at all, bad about her son,” the Queen of Dancehall continued.
Meanwhile, some Instagram users have accepted Mena’s apology, while some have suggested that she meant no harm and that the situation had escalated.
“Me not even being a huge Erica fan, even I know it wasn’t radially driven. I can differentiate the two. She should’ve never brought up your son period. They need to fire spice,” said one follower.
“As a dark skinned Jamaican woman, baby I felt not one offense. Don’t bring up my kids period,” another agreed.
“Did she apologize for bringing up your kids?” asked one follower to which Erica responded, “she will never have the guts unfortunately.”