Ziggy Marley Takes Aim At Warmongering World Leaders – Again

Ziggy Marley has again taken aim at leaders of the world, this time for refusing to work together to remedy problems affecting the global population, and instead opting to incessantly wage unnecessary wars against each other.
“Blessed Saturday World. In this effort we cannot rest. We know this! The planet and humanity would be far better off if instead of fighting each other killing each other, hating each other for political, religious, racial, geographical and financial reasons we work together and help one another balance the world situation,” the True To Myself singer noted on Instagram on Saturday.
“Sadly for humanity we do not have World leaders who are willing right now. All these wars, violence, profit mongering hate mongering only benefit the few. The status quo would have us convinced falsely that our vision of a better world for more people is unachievable. IT IS NOT! Unbrainwash Listen to this live version of #CIRCLEOFPEACE and join the willing. it’s not as hard as they make it seem!” he added, pointing to the song Circle of Peace from his 2018 Rebellion Rises album.
In September 2021, Ziggy had also rebuked world leaders whom he said were guilty of ignoring Climate Change.
In ramping up his advocacy against environmental destruction, at the time, he had taken aim at world leaders and conglomerates whom he said were guilty of constantly turning a blind eye to the public’s concerns about climate change and pollution.
Ziggy, Bob and Rita Marley’s eldest son, had posted a futuristic soliloquy about what the earth will become if the leaders of the world continue to drag their feet and not address Climate Change with a sense of urgency.
“It was good to see you green mountain with your green trees, sustaining life selflessly, sitting there quietly , beautifully, hopefully hoping, waiting, contemplating is this another beginning is this another end are we starting over again,” he had noted.
The Tomorrow People artist had also compared the attention given to Climate Change with that which was being given to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“If only climate change was a deadly virus huh; the effort, the urgency, the emergency, who would wait,” he mused, before going on to make comparisons between the attitude towards Climate Change and the world leaders’ seeming bloodthirst, penchant for war and flexing of their military muscles.
“If only climate change had a military solution we would be at war right now,” he had stated.
Over the years, Ziggy, an unapologetic environmental advocate, has complained bitterly that politicians and corporations have largely been ignoring global concerns about climate change and pollution.
His Rebellion Rises album was used by him to solidify his point.
Among the songs were Storm is Coming, which addressed, among other things, deforestation, while See Dem Fake Leaders upbraided incompetent leaders who have been fighting to make their friends profit from war. Additionally, the song also noted that the leaders were making enemies out of friends, making the onus to be now on the general population to rely on themselves to remedy the situation.
Ziggy had, on one occasion, told The Associated Press ahead of an Earth Day concert, that everyone on the planet should be concerned about the earth’s changing climate.
“Whatever happens to this planet is going to happen to us all. It’s not going to happen just to the rich or just to the poor. It’s going to happen to us all – the good and the bad,’ he had pointed out.
The singer has, in the past, backed environmental preservation campaign groups such as Extinction Rebellion, which fights against food insecurity, climate breakdown, loss of biological diversity and the risk of social and ecological collapse, noting that organisations of this nature were necessary, and that “we have to be more willing than those who are in a place of power”.