Nature Ellis Says He’s First Reggae Artist To Drop Five Music Videos In Five Days

In what he described as a seminal move, reggae artist Nature Ellis has released five music videos in five consecutive days as he aims to garner more attention for conscious roots reggae songs which he claimed are being ignored.
“This was a historical move…Maybe no one in the history of Reggae had ever done something like this before,” he claimed
“I had no challenges releasing these music videos, thanks to reggaeville and my team, not enough conscious roots reggae been promoted and I find it a part of my duty to release as much music and videos to reach a lost generation of youths ; we cannot afford to lose our culture by not releasing enough conscious music,” he explained.
He released videos for Gun in Hand, Burning Fire, Dance and chant , Karen, and Woman.
He said he hopes that audiences realize that in putting out so many songs and visuals back-to-back he is trying to preserve Jamaica’s musical culture.
“The message I hope was delivered is that Nature Ellis is not all about promotional strategies but about feeding the people with as much conscious music as possible to maintain the conscious side of the culture. It’s not all about what music can do for us financially but how we can use music to heal the world,” he said.

“I would say we just kept it simple and to the point, too many time we see a music videos out there that have almost nothing to do with what the song is saying , we took about four days to shoot those five music videos , what it really took was a clear head and great vision and the willingness to work ,” he added.
He said he allowed other members of his creative team to decide the running order of the video releases.
“I did not choose the specific order in how to release the music videos, I told Reggaeville to decide, after all they are the professionals in regard to releasing music videos, and I over all just wanted to know good music is going out and it doesn’t matter in what order,” he said.
He added that this unique approach to releasing music has been satisfying.
“It’s been rewarding in regard to the way I released five music videos within the first five days of January 2024. Concious Reggae fans out there are thirsty for great reggae music and I just want to play my part in giving it to them. It’s also about doing what I love and sharing it with the world and the people who are searching are loving it so far based on the magnitude of ones reaching out to me after the releases, “he said..
“It’s very important that we’re doing visuals as much as possible because people actually very entertained by what there eyes can see and if you can combine hearing and seeing at the same time half the job is done,” he said.