Minister Marion Hall Calls Latest Online Drama Tacky And Tasteless

Minister Marion Hall hears her name ringing in these social media streets, but she’s not answering the call. Well, at least not directly.
The woman of God, formerly dancehall trendsetter Lady Saw, is being mentioned in drama between deejays Spice and Macka Diamond, and media personality Shelly-Ann Curran.
It all started (again) when Spice casually mentioned that Curran slept with Hall’s ex John John, leading Macka to come forth with details surrounding Hall’s relationship with the producer.
In a Wednesday sermon, the Mi Soon Alright artist said she tries to screen controversial content from her phone, but acknowledged that she’s aware of the “mess”.
“Now I know why God say, ‘Come out from among them and be separate’…because what I saw, it sick man stomach – I mean mankind, not just man and woman…” Hall said. “Gross, and I was gross when I sing ’bout sex – that’s all I did – but my Jesus. That is why I told you years ago I separated myself because when I see it’s not an act, people’s normal, natural, everyday life is like that.”
Spice was her protege in the early stages of her career, but their relationship grew sour with nasty Twitter feuds where Spice labelled her “badmind” and malicious. Hall, on the other hand, painted Spice as a conniving opportunist who spread lies about her in an attempt to sabotage her network and image.
Following her baptism in 2015, Hall penned an open letter requesting forgiveness from several people, including Spice. Spice later revealed that she had long forgiven her, though they’d go at it again at the turn of 2021 thanks to spiritual advisor RT Boss’ claims that the two engaged in obeah to stifle the other.

Reflecting on her life before Christendom, Hall said she made a concerted effort to distance herself from drama upon realising the true colours of some people.
“I go on that stage, close my eyes or find a face that enjoying what I was doing at the time. Do my thing, go on home with the person I’m with (John John)… I will never get myself in that. Messy, nasty, disgusting – that’s beneath me.”
Adding more adjectives like tacky and tasteless, Hall expressed shame in how some Jamaican migrants conduct themselves. Of all parties involved in the latest fracas, Spice and RT Boss are based overseas.
“I’m disappointed in some people…” she said. “Sickening, disgraceful. I mean, I’m a proud Jamaican…but sometimes some of our Jamaicans, oh Jesus, we go abroad and the way how we carry on, it’s a disgrace to our beautiful island and our beautiful island people… Some people have class and some people, my God, classless. I don’t care if you waan vex bout that – that’s truth.”
Hall is currently promoting Step, a self-produced dancehall gospel track which, in part, takes aim at false prophets.