Dr. Love Defends Nigy Boy’s Alien-Themed Sumfest Performance

Nigy Boy’s manager, Dr. Love, isn’t here for any criticism of his artist’s alien-themed Reggae Sumfest performance.
The Continental star made his entrance at the festival last Saturday in a shiny silver ensemble and extraterrestrial-clad cast. According to the blogger-turned-manager, in-person patrons were more appreciative of the set than online viewers.
“The blind man tek Reggae Sumfest and then here comes the public, illiterate, dunce and dummies, ‘Why dem put him inna silver suit? Inna foil pan suit?’” he vented in a live stream this week. “Because Jamaica has never seen anything like that on stage. Jamaica has never seen an alien before. Jamaica has never seen someone dressed as an astronaut before, and that’s what make we unique and make we different.”
Dr. Love took full credit for the creative direction of Nigy Boy’s set, which featured an awkwardly placed robot hovering over the singer as he delivered a gospel track.
“Unno don’t have any vision…” he unleashed.
“Unno nuh know bout setting certain things and I learn’t that as time goes by… His outfit was a bang… It’s a silver suit, yes, but him coulda breathe. Him coulda walk around. Everything connect… Big up to Nigy Boy designer who helped to put it together, but the whole alien thing, I sit down and plan it through… This is what I want and that is exactly what take place, and the whole Sumfest, everybody appreciate it and respect it and they are seeing something different.”
He initially wanted a grander showcase including drones, adding that event organiser Joe Bogdanovich was supposed to be one of the “alien dancers”. Fortunately (or not), all-rounder L.A. Lewis was available to parade in one of the suits.
“Big up to me for coming up with a wonderful idea and going to the team with it and saying this is what I want it to be for Reggae Sumfest…” he said. “I told Joe I am not coming to Reggae Sumfest to perform; mi a come a Reggae Sumfest to make a statement, and then it was my job and my duty to make sure there was a statement that happened, and we did it.”
Nigy Boy’s performance culminated with the 2024 Silver Montego Bay Sumfest City Award, an honour from the St. James Municipal Corporation, presented by Bogdanovich and festival director Robert Russell.