Lila Iké Drops Official Video For ‘Forget Me’: Watch

Teaming up with Wikid Media, Lila Iké has brought to life, her popular single Forget Me from The ExPerience . Watch it below.
The colorful, moody visual takes place throughout different scenes, where Iké and the other protagonist, model/actor Jeff Crossley are shown in love and war. The story, apparent in both the lyrics and the video, is of a push and pull between these lovers, of which, the pushing has become too much for Lila.
The video itself starts in the middle of an argument between the two, to the result of her partner walking out. The vignette is colored in rich dark tones with the occasional photo edited into key scenes.
The video and song speak to an underlying symptom of a larger dysfunction in black relationships, families, and even marriages, a symptom that affects communication and perception. The reasons for men, particularly, acting out and being this volatile in a relationship are varied, and unfortunately, we weren’t told in this narrative. But it’s not hard to imagine anyone getting sick of it after a while, regardless of the reason.

We can guess at it; some men tend to imagine that they possess women they are in relationships with, out of which a multitude of errors in thought can be born. This is a big one in particular since many triggers may arise in the mind of men who feel some kind of ownership of their spouse. The truth is that we are our own beings, and that means we are each subject to our own wishes, passions, dreams. Once you erase that autonomy by thinking someone as your own, you don’t leave them much room to be themselves, or to grow as Lila Iké says in her chorus.
Oftentimes, it takes real honesty to see and make a choice to leave relationships of this nature. The ultimate message of the song and indeed the video is that it’s very important to know when to say enough even when the love is good.
It takes serious thought to weigh the pros and cons, but in Lila’s case and a lot of others, it is obviously more arguing than actual love. This song is about having that conversation with yourself and thinking yes, the love is good but “if everyday we a go fight…” It takes strength to not just have the conversation but to make the decision that needs to be made, and Lila’s brand is beginning to embody strength in an elegant and unabashedly feminine way.
Watch the new visuals for Forget Me below.
Stream Lila’s The ExPerience.