Ziggy Marley And Family Lead Initiative To Build, Furnish Home For Single Mother Of Two

A single mother and her two children will be sleeping much better thanks to the efforts of the Ziggy Marley family, his U.R.G.E foundation, and Food for the Poor, alongside the Grace Kennedy Group, who helped to rebuild and fully furnish the family’s previously dilapidated home.
It was all hands on deck for the Ziggy Marley family as the Reggae superstar and wife Orly, daughter Judah Victoria, and sons Gideon Robert Nesta, Abraham Selassie Robert Nesta, and Isaiah Sion Robert Nesta, busied themselves in the recent project, building and painting the home, as well as delivering and setting up furniture.
Highlighting the project on his Instagram page, Ziggy shared a short yet detailed video of the work carried out by stakeholders and volunteers.
“Such an incredible family experience helping build a home in Jamaica with our friend @b3bossmom (Michelle Gordon) for a struggling single mother and her two children… Through your continued support of our charitable foundation #URGE, we were able to fully furnish this beautiful new residence and help finance the construction costs alongside @foodforthepoorja! Also, a big thanks to @gracekennedygrp and all the hardworking volunteers,” Ziggy wrote.
Revealing that fans of his also played a part in rendering assistance to the family, Ziggy added: “Thanks to all the fans who come to my shows with will promoters… $1 from each concert ticket goes directly U.R.G.E, allowing us to continue our mission of uplifting the potential of children and families in Jamaica and around the world.”
He concluded the post by directing fans to the U.R.G.E foundation’s website, and implored them come see him live this summer “and help us do more great works like this!”
Ziggy’s U.R.G.E (Unlimited Resources Giving Enlightenment) foundation, which has as its mission “to make enduring contributions to the lives of children in Jamaica, Africa and throughout the world”, was especially invested in the project’s completion.
‘We’ve gotta give back,” explained Orly Marley. “Everyone’s here. They’re painting, they’ve been working all week… and I’m really proud of my kids.”
When quizzed about her involvement in the project of building someone a home, Judah Marley shared: “I’m really grateful for this opportunity to be able to help a family. She has two kids that are around our age and I’m glad that they’re gonna be able to have a safe roof over their heads.”
For his part, Gideon explained that he simply felt blessed to be in a position to help change the lives of the three beneficiaries.
In the video, the Marley family, workmen and volunteers could be seen tearing down a leaning, patchwork structure of rotting zinc, wood and tarpaulin. By the end of the project, the home had been transformed into a brand-new, improved dwelling, painted and complete with freshly assembled furniture.
Ziggy Marley extended thanks for the project’s success, and shared that he was pleased to be helping Jamaicans. “It’s a part of our culture, our history – to make Jamaica a better place.”