Voicemail Forges Ahead With New Singles, European Tour
Voicemail, once a trio, proves that they are still a force to be reckoned with, even after the tragic loss of group member O’Neil Edwards over a decade ago.
Voicemail, once a trio, proves that they are still a force to be reckoned with, even after the tragic loss of group member O’Neil Edwards over a decade ago.
After 23 years with Voicemail, Qraig, who makes up one-half of the famed Dancehall duo, will release his highly anticipated solo debut album titled Listen To Me on June 24.
Dancehall duo Voicemail intends to make the most out of what they’ve dubbed the “year of the pandemic” starting with the release of a new single called Come My Way with DJ Chiqui Dubs.
There’s a kind of congeniality ingrained in Ding Dong’s brand. His music is mostly family-friendly, his image is beloved by corporate giants, and you rarely hear his name attached to any controversy.