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Get On With It! Culture Doctor Presses Gov’t To Create ‘Iconic’ Museum Of Jamaican Music

Director of the Institute of Caribbean Studies at the University of the West Indies, Dr. Sonjah Stanley Niaah, has called for the relevant authorities to move with alacrity to establish a proper Museum of Jamaican Music in Kingston, even if it means turning to crowd-funding to accomplish the milestone, to elevate the current museum from the small space it occupies at the Institute of Jamaica.


Montego Bay’s 6IX Urged To Wake For From Musical Slumber

The fizzling out of the Montego Bay-based 6IX was a topic of debate recently, on the Let’s Be Honest Podcast, among the likely reasons being whether Alkaline had “written off” their careers; they lost the Gaza fans who had aligned themselves with them, or their novelty had worn off.


Popcaan On The Lookout For The CDC’s Zombies

When Popcaan tweeted about the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website’s tongue-in-cheek advice to teachers on how to educate students about a zombie pandemic, he received a flurry of reactions, some ranging from amusement, to ridicule to actual seriousness.